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9 years 10 months ago

A logo evolves

As our old friends will have noticed LEAP has changed!  

Not only a new logo, but a new website and new support material.  LEAP has been helping Leeds students since 2006.  The benefits of the LEAP programme have been gradually filtering through to other areas and now we have enquiries from all over the country.  

The main LEAP programme will still centre in and around Leeds schools, in addition, this year there will be several new schools participating as well as a growing number in other parts of Yorkshire.  To cope with this growth, and following positive feedback from many past participants, we are very excited and proud to launch a new, more interactive website, with on-line registration, an interactive start-up booklet and facilities for all the companies to have their own blogs on the website.  The logo has been redesigned to make it more modern, and responsive to multiple platforms, such as smartphones and tablets as well as laptop and desktop computers.

The main site will be launched and open to schools for registration from 1st September, with further details on the 18th September at Allerton High Business and Enterprise Specialist School.  The LEAP Board still consists of the same hard-working volunteers as before, but we have had help from a few new business sponsors with the redesigning of the website and support material.

We hope you enjoy the new updated LEAP.