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8 years 3 months ago

Our primary aim is to gain profit which will raise funds for our charity; children in hospital wards in Leeds. Hence, why we held a stall at the LGI with the Leeds Hospitals Youth Forum, as part of a Christmas fund raiser. We felt so privileged to be part of an event which aimed to improve the lives of so many children. We were based in the Clarendon Wing reception, there were a lot of stalls, and not much space, so we had to learn to adapt and organise ourselves in the limited amount of space we had. But the festive cheer and sheer warmth of our colleagues really brightened the cold December morning (Yes, there’s a theme…we really aren’t morning people; I’m sure many of you can relate!), and we got stuck in; by now we were pretty good at the whole “roping potential customers in” business *no pun intended*.  We were not really expecting to sell much but to our surprise we did pretty well; we had a special two mug sets for £13 offer in place so perhaps that attracted some buyers but hey, no one’s complaining!!

It was a rather eventful day; meeting new people and doing business (harder than it looks; don’t buy into the pretty smiles in our photographs…just kidding, its good fun!!). But what made it really interesting was this rather good-humoured gentleman; he asked us for directions, which we gave, but he found his way back to us and proceeded to tell us the rather exciting story of how he got his arm hurt…let’s just say he had a very wild imagination ( very wild). He didn’t buy a mug though, which was a bit disappointing.

So, another interesting event to add to our experience and LEAP journey, thank-you to our buyers, colleagues and teachers so far for all the support you have provided us with…


We offer an exciting range of mugs containing food related products, gift wrapped, to make perfect gifts. Great for birthdays, Christmas or Valentine's Day, or any occasions as it is an interesting and attractive gift. Mugs will be of a high quality/have an interesting design and the products inside and the wrapping will add value to our product to attract customers to our happening new 'DrinCup' business! All profits will be going to improve the lives of young people in our area by donating to children and teenage wards in Leeds hospitals as at 'DrinCup' we realise the importance of helping and giving back to our community; it is what shapes us as individuals. As our Target Audience included teenagers, we want to promote this message through our business. Most importantly, all our products are wrapped and brought to you with the utmost care and love. So, give us chance and Just 'DrinCup'...