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9 years 5 months ago

For the past four fridays at school, we have set up a stall in our rotunda in school in order to advertise our company and sell our products! There is always a great buzz around our stall, with people from all other years visiting us and purchasing our covers and headphones! It has enabled us to give LEAP a great awareness, encouraging the current year 11s to start thinking of innovative ideas for next year! We have had lots of feedback on our products, for example what products are people's favourite, and those which may need improving, for example our flag headphones. It's been really great so far and we hope to continue to sell each week to other students in our school, making them full of HighFlyers products and fun!

High Flyers

Selling passport covers and earphones to make for easy, exciting, extremely stylish travel! These products are suitable for a wide range of customer profiles as both a gift or for themselves.