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8 years 3 months ago


Tea in India only gained popularity as a national beverage in the 19th century after the British began to create large scale tea plantations in order to ensure adequate supplies for their country’s growing thirst. India is one of the world’s largest suppliers of tea, and yet because of this very recent history, tea has not had time to appropriate any elaborate tea rituals like in Japan or China. Although not ritualized, tea is more a part of everyday life at home, work, on the streets and while traveling.

Cha-ya is the preferred style of tea sold on the streets, in train stations and in restaurants. Cha-ya is strong black tea, spiced with cardamom, fennel, cloves or other spices, sweetened with sugar and mixed with milk for a sweet and creamy beverage, that many Westerners would know as Chai tea. This tea can be drunk alone, but is often enjoyed with a savory snack like samosas. Usually street vendors or train stations will sell this tea in small clay cups that are only used once, and then smashed after use. Whether enjoyed on the street or at home, Cha-ya provides respite from the heat or weariness from travel or work.


We offer an exciting range of mugs containing food related products, gift wrapped, to make perfect gifts. Great for birthdays, Christmas or Valentine's Day, or any occasions as it is an interesting and attractive gift. Mugs will be of a high quality/have an interesting design and the products inside and the wrapping will add value to our product to attract customers to our happening new 'DrinCup' business! All profits will be going to improve the lives of young people in our area by donating to children and teenage wards in Leeds hospitals as at 'DrinCup' we realise the importance of helping and giving back to our community; it is what shapes us as individuals. As our Target Audience included teenagers, we want to promote this message through our business. Most importantly, all our products are wrapped and brought to you with the utmost care and love. So, give us chance and Just 'DrinCup'...